Shipping Containers Australia

Beware of Scammers

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Shipping Container Scams

Beware of scammers in the shipping container industry.

Oz Shipping containers is aware of many scams involving companies on social media pretending to be us. Companies are swapping stating our company name and ABN number.

How to confirm you are dealing with Oz Shipping Containers:

  • Only ever ring us on our 1300 number. Our staff mobile numbers are 0427849111 or 0475276849.
  • Our BSB is 112 879 and our account number ends in 8971.
  • Our emails come from Beware of close matches like or These are not us.
  • We don’t advertise landline numbers other than our 1300 number.
  • Our official Facebook page is
  • If any of these details ever change, we will change them on this page.

We are out trying to warn people proactively about these scams and have even appeared on A Current Affair to warn the public.

We are aware of scammers and are working as hard as we can to action and have the scammers held accountable and their pages/posts removed.

Stack of Shipping Container — Oz Shipping Containers in Australia